Tibetan Law : All Pages
Picture Credits
Accessibility Statement
The Projects
Blog posts
Khrims: changes in the Tibetan concept of law
Imperial Amnesties. Or, did Tibetans use dice to decide legal cases?
Yeshe Öd the law-maker
The problem of punishment in early Tibetan law
The turquoise dragon: symbol of political status?
The drum of the law: symbol of shamanic power, warfare, or justice?
Urgyen Lingpa: political and legal sceptic
The Texts
The Mirror of the Two Laws
Legal documents
Oxford Mosaic Accessibility Statement
Tibetan Law: Use of cookies on this website
Letter from Buddhaguhya
Letter from Dpal dbyangs to the Tibetan king
The Old Tibetan Chronicle
Fernanda Pirie
Charles Manson
Daniel Wojahn
The Mirror of the Two Laws
The Scripture from the Sky
Chronicles of the dBa’/sBa clan
The Door to the Dharma
A Dharma History: The Honeyed Nectar of Flowers
The Pillar Testament
Drenpa's Proclamation
One Hundred Thousand Pronouncements on Ma ni
The Lde'u Chronicles
Butön's Treasury of Precious Teaching: A Religious History Clarification of the Teaching of the Buddha
The Five Chronicles
The History of Padmasambhava
The Testament of Tai Situ Jangchub Gyaltsen
The Rhinoceros Book: Account of the Divine Rlang Clan
The Red Annals
The Mirror Illuminating the Royal Genealogies
The Biography of Tönpa Shenrab Miwo, mythical founder of the Yungdrung Bön
The Great Sino-Tibetan Archives
The Blue Annals
Biography of Lha Lama Yeshe Ö
The Ngari Chronicle
The New Red Annals
The Feast for Scholars