
Publications from Phase 1 (AHRC project):


Manson, Charles, and Fernanda Pirie. 2023. "The Earliest Tibetan Legal Treatise: The Khrims gnyis lta ba’i me long". In A Life in Tibetan Studies: Festschrift for Dieter Schuh at the Occasion of His 80th Birthday, edited by Christoph Cüppers, Karl-Heinz Everding, and Peter Schwieger, 483–522. Lumbini: LIRI.

Pirie, Fernanda. 2017a. "Buddhist Law in Early Tibet: The Emergence of an Ideology". Journal of Law and Religion 32 (3): 406–22.

—. 2017b. "Which “Two Laws”? The Concept of trimnyi (khrims gnyis) in Medieval Tibet". Cahiers d’Extrême-Asie 26 (1): 41–60.

—. 2019. "Legalism: A Turn to History in the Anthropology of Law". Clio@Themis: Revue Électronique d’histoire Du Droit 15.

—. 2020a. "The Art of Mediation: Law and Rhetoric in Medieval Tibet". In Comparative Dispute Resolution, edited by Maria F. Moscati, Michael Palmer, and Marian Roberts, 532–42. Edward Elgar Publishing.

—. 2020b. "The Making of Tibetan Law: The Khrims gnyis lta ba’i me long". In On a Day of a Month of a Fire Bird Year, edited by Jeannine Bischoff, Petra H. Maurer, and Charles Ramble, 599–617. Lumbini: LIRI.

—. 2021a. "Laws and Proverbs: The Making and Unmaking of Moral Rules in Historic Tibet". In Legal Rules in Practice: In the Midst of Law’s Life, edited by Baudouin Dupret, Julie Colemans, and Max Travers, 90–110. London: Routledge.

—. 2021b. "The Drum of the Law and the Turquoise Dragon: Images of Authority in Tibetan Legal Texts". In Crossing Boundaries: Tibetan Studies Unlimited, 123–36. Prague: Academia Publishing House.


Bibliographical entries for the text extracts and translations:


Ahmad, Zahiruddin. 2005. A History of Tibet by the Fifth Dalai Lama. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

Aris, Michael. 1979. Bhutan: The Early History of a Himalayan Kingdom. Warminster: Aris & Phillips, pp. 8–24.

Bacot, Jacques, F. W. Thomas, and Charles Toussaint. 1940. Documents de Touen-Houang relatifs a l'Histoire du Tibet. Paris: Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner.

Bira, Shagdaryn. 1977. "A Sixteenth Century Mongolian Code." Zentralasiatische Studien 11: 35-62.

Blondeau, Anne-Marie. 1997. "Une polémique sur l'authenticité des Bka' thang au 17e siècle." In C. I. Beckwith, ed., Silver on Lapis: Tibetan Literary Culture and History. Bloomington: Tibet Society, pp. 125-161.

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Cabezón, José Ignacio. 2013. The Buddha's Doctrine and the Nine Vehicles. New York: Oxford University Press.

Cüppers, Christoph. 1997. "Some Aspects of Tibetan Administration under the Dga' ldan Pho bran Government." In H. Krasser et al. (eds), Tibetan Studies. Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.

–. 2015. "gTsang khrims yig chen mo: ein tibetischer Rechskodex in der Sammlung der National Archives in Kathmandu." In D. Schuh (ed.) Secular Law and Order in the Tibetan Highland. Andiast: IITBS.

Czaja, Olaf. 2013. Medieval Rule in Tibet: The Rlang Clan and the Political and Religious History of the Ruling House of Phag mo gru pa. Vienna: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.

Dalton, Jacob P. 2015. "Power and Compassion: Negotiating Buddhist Kingship in Tenth-Century Tibet." In Olaf Czaja and Guntram Hazod (eds), The Illuminating Mirror: Tibetan Studies in Honour of Per K. SØrensen on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday. Leiden: Brill.

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Dietz, Siglinde. 1984. Die Buddhistiche Briefliteratur Indiens. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz.

DiValerio, David M. 2015. The Holy Madmen of Tibet. New York: Oxford University Press.

Doney, Lewis. 2014. The Zangs gling ma: The First Padmasambhava Biography. Andiast: IITBS.

Dotson, Brandon. 2006. "Administration and Law in the Tibetan Empire: The Section on Law and State and its Old Tibetan Antecedents." D.Phil thesis, University of Oxford.

–. 2007. "Divination and law in the Tibetan Empire." In M. Kapstein & B. Dotson (eds) Contributions to the Cultural History of Early Tibet. Leiden: Brill.

–. 2009. The Old Tibetan Annals. Wien: Verlag der Österreichschen Akademie der Wissenschaften.

–. 2015. "Introducing Early Tibetan Law: Codes and Cases." In D. Schuh (ed.) Secular Law and Order in the Tibetan Highland. Andiast: IITBS.

– and Matthew Kapstein. 2013. "The Old Tibetan Chronicles." In K.R. Schaeffer, M.T. Kapstein, and G. Tuttle (eds), Sources of Tibetan Tradition. New York: Columbia University Press, pp. 36–46.

Everding, Karl-Heinz. 2006. Herrscherurkunden aus der Zeit des mongolischen Grossreiches für tibetische Adelshäuser, Geistliche und Klöster. Halle: IITBS.

French, Rebecca. 1995. The Golden Yoke. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.

Francke, Herbert. 1990. "Comments on a Passage in the Hu-lan deb-ther: the 'Edict of Öljeitü' on the Punishment of Attacks against Tibetan Monks." In Paolo Daffina (ed.) Indo-Sino-Tibetica: Studi in Onore de Luciano Petech. Roma: Bardi Editore.

Goldstein, Melvyn. 1989. A History of Modern Tibet, 1913–1951: The Demise of the Lamaist State. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Hirshberg, Daniel A. 2012. "Delivering the Lotus-Born: Historiography in the Tibetan Renaissance." PhD thesis, Harvard University.

Ishimaha, Yumiko. 1993. "On the Dissemination of the Belief in the Dalai Lama as a Manifestation of the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara." Acta Asiatica 64: 38–56.

Iwao, Kazuchi, Sam van Schaik, and Tsuguhito Takeuchi. 2012. Old Tibetan Texts in The Stein Collection Or. 8210. Tokyo: The Toyo Bunko.

Kapstein, Matthew. 1992. "Remarks on the Mani bKa' 'bum and the cult of Avalokiteśvara in Tibet." In S. Goodman and R. Davidson (eds), Tibetan Buddhism: Reason and Revelation. pp. 79–93.

–. 2000. The Tibetan Assimilation of Buddhism. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

–. 2006. The Tibetans. Oxford: Blackwell.

–. 2009. "The Treaty Temple of the Turquoise Grove." In M. Kapstein (ed.) Buddhism Between Tibet and China. Boston: Wisdom Publications, pp. 21–72.

–. 2013. "The Adoption of Buddhism and the Foundation of Samyé Monastery: The Conversion Edict of Tri Songdetsen." In K.R. Schaeffer, M.T. Kapstein, and G. Tuttle (eds), Sources of Tibetan Tradition. New York: Columbia University Press, pp. 60–64.

Karmay, Samten. 1980. "The Ordinance of Lha Bla-ma Ye-shes-ʼod." In M. Aris and Aung San Suu Kyi (eds) Tibetan Studies in Honour of Hugh Richardson. Warminster: Aris and Phillips. pp. 150–62.

–. 1998. The Arrow and the Spindle: Studies in History, Myths, Rituals, and Beliefs in Tibet, vol 1. Kathmandu: Mandala Book Point.

van der Kuijp, Leonard. 1992. "Dating the two Lde'u Chronicles of Buddhism in India and Tibet." Asiatische Studien: Zeitschrift der Schweizerischen Asiengesellschaft 46: 468–91.

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Krug, Adam C. 2015. "Pakpa's Verses on Governance in Advice to Prince Jibik Temür: A Jewel Rosary." Cahiers d'Extrême-Asie 24: 117–44.

Kunzang, Erik Pema. 2004. The Lotus-Born: the Life Story of Padmasambhava. Boudhanath: Rangjung Yeshe Publications.

Li Fang Kuei and W. South Coblin. 1987. A Study of Old Tibetan Inscriptions. Taipei: Academia Sinica.

Macdonald, Ariane. 1963. "Préambule à la lecture d'un Rgya-Bod yig-chan." Journal Asiatique 251: 53–159.

Macdonald, David. 1932. Twenty Years in Tibet. London: Seeley.

Martin, Dan. 1997. Tibetan Histories: A Bibliography of Tibetan-language Historical Works. London: Serindia Publications.

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Mills, Martin. 2012. "Ritual as History in Tibetan Divine Kingship: Notes on the Myth of the Khotanese Monks." History of Religions 51: 219–20.

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Pathak, Suniti Kumar. 1974. The Indian Nītiśāstras in Tibet. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass.

Petech, Luciano. 1990. Central Tibet and the Mongols. Rome: Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente.

Pirie, Fernanda. 2015. "Oaths and Ordeals in Tibetan Law." In D. Schuh (ed.) Secular Law and Order in the Tibetan Highland. Andiast: IITBS.

Richardson, Hugh. 1964. "A New Inscription of Khri Srong lDe brtsan." Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (1/2): 1–13.

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Roesler, Ulrike. 2015. "'16 Human Norms' (mi chos bcu drug)—Indian, Chinese, and Tibetan." In O. Czaja and G. Hazod (eds), The Illuminating Mirror: Tibetan Studies in Honour of Per K. Sorensen on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday. Wiesbaden: Dr. Ludwig Reichert Verlag.

Schaeffer, Kurtis R. 2013. "The Ordinance of Yeshé Öd to Tantric Practitioners." In K. Schaeffer, M. Kapstein, and G. Tuttle (eds), Sources of Tibetan Tradition. New York: Columbia University Press. pp. 60–64.

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Schmithausen, Lambert. 1999. "Aspects of the Buddhist Attitude toward War." In J. Houben and K. van Kooij (eds) Violence Denied. Leiden: Brill.

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